[CR] FOR SALE - Cinelli Handlebars And Stems (...i.e. crass opportunism)

(Example: Production Builders:Peugeot:PX-10LE)

From: "R.S. Broderick" <rsb000@hotmail.com>
To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 17:37:53 -0500
Thread-Index: AcoMlx0FkE35OHVGRaeRLV06gneZMgAEx47g
In-Reply-To: <73706f460907241244j57cb45b1n712cce03ea93c278@mail.gmail.com>
Subject: [CR] FOR SALE - Cinelli Handlebars And Stems (...i.e. crass opportunism)

Since we are discussing Cinelli components, I thought the time most opportune to offer up the following to the CR List - priced for quick sale because I would rather ship them out than have to lug them back to Portland with the rest of our "stuff" in a couple of weeks:


Cinelli model 1A stem - aluminum alloy with anodized clear coat - 22.2 mm quill - 26.4 mm size clamp - 90 mm length - single bolt non-quick release - post 1978 A.L. Columbo / Columbus era (...i.e. flying "C" style top logo - model 1/A stem ... [Used - generally good condition above the insertion level (...below that - there are plenty of those typical type of scratches to be expected with a used part) - minimal marking to the anodized finish - minor oxidization and chamfering to the chrome plated steel affixing bolts - still, a nice "user" at a nominal price] - $5.00 USD plus S&H at cost


Cinelli model 1A stem - aluminum alloy with anodized clear coat - 22.2 mm quill - 26.4 mm size clamp - 110 mm length - single bolt non-quick release - pre 1979 Cino Cinelli era "CINELLI MILANO" oval top logo - model 1/A stem ... [Used - very good condition with the caveat that its insertion marks continue a full 3 mm above the minimum insertion level or 5 mm below the crown of the neck - otherwise, only nominal marking to the anodized finish - minor oxidization inside the Allen keyways of the chrome plated steel bolts]


Cinelli model 64-40 Giro d'Italia handlebars - pre 1979 Cino Cinelli era "crested" logos - lightweight aluminum alloy - 120 mm wide / 26.4 mm clamp sized sleeved center section - 40 cm C-t-C / 110 mm reach / 180 mm drop - model 64-40 Giro d'Italia ... [USED - good overall condition with minor markings to be found within the exposed center area of the handlebars (...along the lower frontal area where aero style cable routing has left minor abrasions where the brake cables exited from underneath the wrap, and dead center along the backside from leaning the bike against various items) - the remainder of the exposed center section is as nice as you are likely to find on a set of vintage bars that were actually ridden to any extent on the street - never dropped, never wrecked]

$60.00 USD plus S&H at cost for the aforementioned combination Cinelli 1A stem / Cinelli 64-40 Giro d'Italia handlebars both having matched pre 1979 logos.

Interested parties should please correspond directly and "OFF LIST" through my public email address of rsb000(AT)hotmail.com (...where that trio of numerals would be zeros and NOT the letter "O"). All inquiries will be handled on a first come, first served basis. Due to time constraints on my part, detailed photographs of the individual items are NOT available at this time (...and for this I apologize). PayPal is preferred, but I also accept payment by cashier's check, money order, or well concealed cash (...mailed at your own risk). Your satisfaction is guaranteed to the extent that you are welcome to return all or part of any purchase for a full refund of monies not to include shipping and/or insurance provided that said merchandise is returned to me in a reasonably timely fashion and that it is in substantially the same condition as when I first sent it out to you (...please let me know in advance of your intentions should this prove to be the case).

Robert "...going, going, almost gone" Broderick ...the "Frozen Flatlands" of South Dakota Sioux Falls, USA