Cool bike. Those lug "cutouts" are not really meant to be faux clubs. That just happens to be an easy decoration to do by just drilling 3 interlocking holes. Takes a bit of skill; but generally quick and no filing required. I've used this decoration myself a few times over the past 35 years and have also seen it on lots of other makes of frames. I think it's probably the best simple design out there. Adding the stem to make a good looking club represents a considerable amount more work and skill.
Brian Baylis
La Mesa, CA
Just to redress the ebay balance fortunately not everything is over 10
grand! I bought this last week 330345181861
which looked like this once it was in focus
Although this particular bike is probably off topic as it has a full Shimano 600 SIS group and therefore dates from 1986 but it's a nice steel frame. I especially like the faux Conago lugs! The story was the bike was built for a student and was in lieu of wages. Does anyone has any information on Bill Whitcomb Liverpool described elsewhere on the web as 'elusive';-)? Thanks Ken
Ken Foster