Kevin, You may have received offline replies from others more knowledgeable than I, but here is my reply anyhow.
If I understand correctly, you have a Cinelli stem that is too small (25.8) to accept an Italian handlebar (26.0). You want to keep the stem, so you need a smaller handlebar. It sounds like you might have a steel Cinelli track stem in English (ISO) size, which is 25.4, perhaps opened up a little from having a 26.0 forced into it. Wouldn't you need a 25.4 bar, as I don't think anyone made 25.8? There reportedly was a 25.8 stem produced by some Italian makers as compatible with either ISO or Italian handlebars. Here is a link to Sheldon's handlebar crib sheet:
And here is a link to Velobase showing an example of a steel 25.4 (or 25.5?) Cinelli stem:
Hope this helps. John Hurley Austin, Texas, USA
Original message:
I'm looking for Cinelli Pista/Crit handlebars 25.8 40 wide.
My Cinelli stem is older and I can only stuff a 26 into it, thus making a mess of the bar.
I assume this is a 25.8 clamp size. I've never seen this before from Cinelli.
Appreciate any insight or sale listings.
Kevin McCaul
Silver Spring MD USA