From: Don Wilson <> Subject: [CR] Centurion Dave Scott Iron Man for Women...
Made in Japan, melon pink and white Centurion Dave Scott Iron Man for Women (talk about contradictory nomenclature!)...diminuitive, double-butted Tange 1 frame, undersized front wheel/tire, Shimano 105 group, Nitto Stem.
Questions: Did Dave Scott ever design, or make bikes, or did he just license his name? Whatever became of Dave Scott?
Don Wilson Bandon, OR/Los Olivos,CA USA
Dave did not build or design bikes. He may have had inout to Centurion for the model bearing his name. He grew up and lived in a town well known for its Cycling friendliness.
To the best of my knowledge Dave Scott moved from Davis California to somewhere in Colorado. Dave's primary sport was water polo.
He was athletic and had the determination to excel in a sport at the right time. I used to see him every morning out for a training ride as he went by the palce I worked at.
John Strizek Sacramento California USA