Taylor tandems mostly (but not all) use the French tandem headset size. English tandems other than Taylor's mostly used an oversize headclip which I think was 1 1/8in. A few later but classic tandems from the 50s/60s did use screwed races on the 1 1/8 steerer but I don't know what thread standard - I would suspect 24tpi.
Hilary Stone, Bristol, British Isles
M-gineering wrote:
> Wayne Bingham wrote:
>> Did Taylor use these? What is Sutherland's referring to when they
>> mention that "older British tandems use 1-1/8" headsets"? I need to
>> expand my tandem knowledge.
> Sutherland lists 28.6 x 26 tpi as an older English tandem size (as used
> in motorcycles) and the French 28 x 1
> The Taylors got a lot of stuff fromm france, and Reynolds were making
> tubes in metric size and not always in the inch-equivalent, so a metric
> steerer wouldn't surprise me