[CR] Please read! Classic Rendezvous email list

(Example: Framebuilders:Dario Pegoretti)

To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2009 12:29:09 -0500
From: "Dale Brown" <oroboyz@aol.com>
Subject: [CR] Please read! Classic Rendezvous email list

Dear members:

As of today we have 1600 members crowded in my garage, shooting the breeze about old bikes, enjoying one another's company, making new friends and sharing information.

As you know, I have designed and enforced to varying degrees, cordiality guidelines (rules) so that we might all enjoy this association. Please scan the below short list;

1.)? The first, and most often ignored rule, is that of requiring each message to have a complete "signature" with your first name, city, state (if applicable) and country. We are honored to have members from all around the world, and it is very nice to have a feel for who we are and where we are from. For instance, a person in Australia or Italy might not know what some cute abbreviation means; spell it out!

?In recent months, I have instituted the "auto-boot", wherein an offending member is immediately removed if they fail to provide the required signature. They are not "kicked off" but just inconvenienced by having to sign up again. I am hoping the pain-in-the-rear factor will help folks remember....

2.) For Sale, Swap or Wanted To Buy items are limited to "On Topic" (pre 1983) items, or, those deemed "Keeper of the Flame". If in doubt, you should ask me off list before sending to the whole list.

3.) You have only a single shot, one opportunity, to post the above items. Multiple price lowering posts are not permissable (! So make it good, include link to pics, describe completely, make price competitive before "pulling the trigger.") . I have made one slight exception, that being offering it to the list before eBay. Then again if it goes to eBay.

4.) Members are limited to 3 (three!) messages sent per day. This is a great idea so that some of us windier types do not dominate the forum. Yes, it truncates a few threads but it's worth it. As I say in the published rules "Make each message "weighty"

5.) Placing monetary values, or "what's this worth?" is really unwelcome. Honestly, placing real selling prices on the stuff we talk about is fool's folly. If someone claims they know what it's worth, they are not reliable.? And I do not want this forum used opportunistically by non-enthusiasts who just seek to maximize their selling price using our knowledge. This list of for collectors, enthusiasts, folks who relish the nostalgia and craftsmanship, not their own profit. Yes, there are those who make a portion of their living by buying & selling old bike stuff, but most began as enthusiasts and also must live by the rules.

6.)? Civility. You know, this group has become almost amazing in that the early days of rudeness, personal attacks, hysterical disagreements are totally gone! (It's working!) Yes, we are missing a few knowledgeable people, but they are all welcome back IF they will promise to behave. That's all we ask... :)

That's the big stuff. The whole set of rules are here, last updated in Sept 08:


But all and all, you are a remarkable group of neat and interesting people! Thanks so much for hanging out in my garage & talking about vintage lightweight bikes!

Dale List meister

Dale Brown
Greensboro, North Carolina USA