Well if this is true than "Discerning car enthusiast" think that car technology peaked during the 60's or that?life in general peaked during the 50's. Don't misunderstand me. I do love old bikes and what you could put on them -- but to put down a new carbon or Ti or aluminum bike just because it is not from the "good old days". Then there is the problem of not even wearing a helmet of any kind. In many cases (speaking from my experience in Dallas) high performance takes presidents over commonsense. Many people get caught up in keeping up with the Jones's and get more than they need. Often spending more than they should have. So if you visit the site tweed.cc and look at the utube it will portray a wonderful time and place but I want? to say--- remember to have fun and be safe--where a helmet.
"Discerning cyclists recognise that bicycle technology reached its pinnacle
in the early 1970s and everything since has just been marketing. Millions
are spent every year on hoodwinking the public with obscure materials which
are all very well if you are constructing a craft to convey astronauts to
the Moon, but quite out of place on an English country lane. Lugged steel,
by contrast, is durable, comfortable and offers an opportunity for the
skilled framebuilder to practice his craft. Why spend a king's ransom on the
latest titanium confection when any weight advantage will be rendered
irrelevant by a cheese-and-pickle sandwich and a thermos of soup?"