[CR] Campagnolo Record brake caliper - inscription nuances

(Example: Events:Cirque du Cyclisme:2004)

From: <FujiFish1@aol.com>
Date: Sun, 25 Jan 2009 23:21:09 -0500
To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Subject: [CR] Campagnolo Record brake caliper - inscription nuances

Record calipers had "BREV. INTER." inscribed on the front arm from the beginning. At some point, I believe in the latter part of the 70s, the inscription changed to "BREV. INT." Many people believe this change came about because of the appearance of short reach calipers and difficulties of fitting the stamp in the resulting smaller area. A few years ago I was corresponding with Bob Hovey about it, and discovered that I have calipers here to refute that idea. Now that I have finally, really sorted out all my brakes, I have taken photos to show that: A: Campy made SHORT reach calipers with the early BREV. INTER. logo. B: Campy made LONG reach calipers with the later BREV. INT. logo.

Note that all calipers mentioned above have CPSC compliant cupped q/r tabs, presumed to be from 1977 or later. Not shown in photos by the way, are even later calipers, likely 1980s already, with the logo inscription: "BREV. INT", where there is no period after "INT". Subtle differences, I know, but these kinds of nuances help us to know what parts are correct for what time period bikes.

We all know the respective reaches for long and short, so there are no actual measurements shown ... just comparisons. With no further ado, here is a link to six pics: http://www.wooljersey.com/gallery/fujifish1/OtherVintage/Parts/CalipLogos/ Or, Tiny: http://tinyurl.com/dgmodw

The three top photos show the height difference between a short reach (on the left) and a long reach caliper, both with the early, BREV. INTER. logo.

The three bottom photos show the height difference between a short reach (on the left) and a long reach caliper, both with the later BREV. INT. logo.

Comments, corrections or additions are welcome.

Ciao, Mark Agree Southfield MI USA

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