[CR] Subject: Cranks and BCD, old + new

(Example: Production Builders:Peugeot:PY-10)

In response to the question from Kai Hilbertz ref bcd, it is not something that worries me in the slightest. As long as it rides and I have chainrings in various sizes to spare, that's just fine. As to period, just aesthetics : stronglights and TA, nothing else. Campy if the bike comes my way so fitt ed, but not through choice. On the gearing front however, a three chainring combo is a nuisance, and pr etty much uneeded for my puny legs and riding style. When in the very flat Landes area I used a 52-42 to a 12-22 or 24 which covered anything, because spinning on 52-12 you are really flying (and in my case have a following w ind gusting at 40 kph). Where I am now is very, very hilly. So ideal is  42-32 or preferably (if available and possible) 46-32 to a 14-28 rear. W hen you get to know your bike, you only use about six gears anyway, three g ears from the outer covers most flat or mild uphill, downhill once you are spinning on high it's just as easy to take a breather in a moderate "aero t uck". When faced with a stiff (10-18 %) bump or climb, depending on how bru tal the transition and how long the climb, a quick flick on the left lever with the chain somewhere around the 20 tooth rear keeps you going a while, and you have two bigger cogs at the back for when your legs tell you you have no choice.   But this does raise another point. Look at Merckx et cie footage, the guys didn't spin, they used power, moving back a bit in the saddle and a using a shorter power stroke (less of the arc of the circle). Probably less effici ent than todays "all in line don't move an inch" riding positions and faste r spinning. Torquing it up an incline is fun, you just have to not put ever y ounce of energy into the kick so as not to kill yourself. In fact, using the "adequate" pedalling technique, a 5 speed 46 to 14-28, even 42 to 14-28 is enough.   In summary, triples are ok for fast spinning cyclotourists, MTB's and ladie s bikes.   Nick "Gimme a good 8 speed" March, Agen, 47000 Lot et Garonnne, France

<< Hello List,

not too many responses so far, I was hoping to get something  resembling a mini survey going. Perhaps my long original post scared 

most folks off.

To recap in simplified form, my questions to the List are: 1. What is/are your favorite BCD(s) for your cranks? 2. Do you use only vintage cranks, or post '83 cranks as well? 3. Do you like doubles or triples? Favorite gearing?
>From 151 to 50.4 mm, or even beyond, let us know!


Kai Hilbertz Munich, Germany >> =0A=0A=0A

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