Ray, I have been there and it was (is) a great collection. Unfortunately both from his talk of currency fluctuations and what I have already heard the collection was sold to an "overseas" buyer who was supposed to be keeping most of it and selling off what he/she did not want. A shame. Edward Albert Chappaqua, New York, U.S.A.
On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 5:12 PM, <wheelman@nac.net> wrote:
> The Pedaling History Bicycle Museum (AKA The Burgwardt Museum) in Buffalo
> is set to close it doors soon. The collection has been sold to an
> undisclosed buyer at this time. Sadly I have never made it up there to see
> the museum but I have met Carl and he is a real gentleman. His collection
> spans all eras of cycling but primarily his love is for the antiques. You
> can see the news on his web site and preview a video of the collection
> there. Soon another collection will be moving to lord know where.
> Hopefully it will stay intact and in this country. Here is the link.
> http://www.pedalinghistory.com/
> Ray Homiski
> Elizabeth, NJ USA