A few days ago John Waner was concerned about what looked like chrome shi fter bosses on this 1970/71 Masi GC, and Dale Brown said that they were " add on Shimano shift lever chrome finish plastic adapters. Should pop off a nd reveal the brazed on Campag style bosses underneath..."
I thought Dale's eagle-eye opinion was correct (the auction photos are very small), but I just saw that the seller has added some new info and pics, c onfirming that they are shifter bosses that have been added on, apparently by way of four small screws on each boss.
A lamentable modification, but still a cool little frame. In case you are planning on bidding (John?), but haven''t seen the new info and pic s...auction ends in under four hours:
BTW, I've never seen those shifter bosses before, and I'm wondering how wel l four little screws into the thin metal, will hold.
Ray Dobbins
Miami, Florida USA