RE: [CR]freeing a stuck freewheel

(Example: Books:Ron Kitching)

From: "Robert D. Dayton,Jr." <>
To: <>, 'Charles Nighbor' <>
Subject: RE: [CR]freeing a stuck freewheel
Date: Mon, 5 Jan 2009 07:56:48 -0500
In-Reply-To: <>
thread-index: AcluvU3O2Vlay/NyQLqJXCFoPu1DHwAdyNpQ

Some ideas from my marine diesel days. Steel (especially stainless) and aluminum tend to gall. So you can try a few heat/cool cycles and PB Blaster. The aluminum and steel will expand/contract at different rates and hopefully break free from each other. PB Blaster has pretty good capillary properties so during the cycles try to get some in there. In may take a few times.

Rob Dayton Charlotte, NC USA

-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Sent: Sunday, January 04, 2009 5:39 PM To: Charles Nighbor Cc: Jerome Moos; Subject: Re: [CR]freeing a stuck freewheel

I agree with Charles and one other...


I know a big beefy guy who once tried to do the job - and knew right off the

back it wasn't going to give - even under his torque capabilites.... Poured

globs of the lightest weight oil into the freewheel/shell mating and let it sit

all day and all night right there on the vise....

Good tug the next day - off it came...

Occasional tug as Charles suggest helps work it in a little while it sits...

Someone once told me that you can use a dremel to turn a 2 prong into a 4 pronger...clean up the original two with the dremel as well...never tried it

myself though.

They might be wrong for all I know because it assumes the same diameter of the prong ring...


Robert Shackelford San Jose, CA USA

Quoting Charles Nighbor <>:
> Freeing a stuck freewheel
> Use lot of WD 40 or something like that on freewheel threads.
> Wait a day or two
> Hold freewheel tool in a vise
> than try turning wheel just a little bit
> Than wait using more WD-40
> Use repeat turning wheel
> What your doing is creating new places for WD-40 to penetrate.
> It took me 5 days to get one loose
> Charles Nighbor
> Walnut Creek, CA USA
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