"Jim Bundy's frame is very nice looking indeed. When I went to look at th e pictures, the first thing I zeroed in on was the BB shell close-up. It may be a reflection or something else, but I see what looks to be a slight discoloration in the rear part around the bridge. I always am intereste d in the BB area of chromed frames. It seems to be a difficult area.
Many times I think they would have been better off painting the shell. I love to hear feed back on this subject."
Proper chroming of the bottom bracket shell requires that the plater affixe s an auxiliary anode low on the seat tube. Few platers are equipped to do this. The results (or lack thereof) show.
My Rich Gangl race frame with Hurlow Superbe lugs has a chromed BB shell, d one by a plater who understood the task. Result is close to perfect
Emanuel Lowi Montreal, Quebec
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