I'm theorizing here, but I think there is a connection between urban/Europe
an immigrants and track racing in both the US and Australia. Both had large
Italian and E european immigration waves at similar times, and crowded urb
an living probably favored track over road racing....track racing was prima
rily an urban sport, I think. I grew up in Louisville, KY where there was e
asy access to rural roads (THe Louisville Wheelmen have been active since t
he 1880s) but there were, I think, two tracks, a permanentĀ out door one
at a local amusement parkĀ (Fountaine Ferry) and an indoor one at the old
Armory. Both were gone by the time I started cycling in the late 60's.
I have a track bike now, and may try to ride in Indy during the Bike Show i
f it isn't too cold. Major Taylor (outdoor) velodrome is, I think, the clos
est track to me now..though there is one in Atlanta now as well.
Doug Wagner
Richmond,KY US