Re: [CR] Flashlights for Bike Lighting

(Example: Framebuilders:Bernard Carré)

Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2009 08:57:50 -0500
From: "Michael Schmidt" <>
In-Reply-To: <>
To: Michael Schmidt <>, "" <>
Thread-topic: [CR] Flashlights for Bike Lighting
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Cc: "<>" <>
Subject: Re: [CR] Flashlights for Bike Lighting

Further to my post, I shot some photos of the light I obtained during a visit to Jitensha. Here is the link along with photos of two other lights; one attached to an Alex Singer and the other to a Peter Weigle.

Mike Schmidt Millington, NJ USA

On 1/13/09 1:53 PM, "Mike Schmidt" <> wrote:
> Jerry
> Check with Hiroshi at Jitendha studio in Berkely, CA. 510-540-6240.
> He imports a handful of these flashlights from Japan. They attach to
> the front rack using the rack's braze on fittings. Oh, they are not
> exactly inexpensive either.
> Mike Schmidt
> Millington, New Jersey
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jan 13, 2009, at 10:00 AM, Jerome & Elizabeth Moos <
>> wrote:
>> To raise a non-contraversial, if there is such a thing here, issue
>> in connection with touring/randonneur bikes. Anyone know of
>> currently available flashlights appropriate for use on such bikes?
>> I asked Chris at Velo Orange when he would again have the
>> flashlights he was selling a while back. His answer was that he
>> does not currently expect to have them again. Evidently, the ones
>> he was selling were made by small Japanese firms, and he tells me
>> the deamnd is so strong in Japan, the the manufacturers have no
>> interest in exporting to the US, as they can sell everything they
>> make at home.
>> Of course, in terms of producing light, most any flashlight will
>> work, but one prefers something the will look elegant. I suppose
>> many of us would define elegant in this instance as reminescent of
>> the lights on French constructeur bikes before or shortly after
>> WWII, although I must note that in the book (in French) Jan Heine is
>> selling documenting the history of PBP, the photos from recent years
>> show some competitors using flashlights that would strike most of us
>> as distinctly un-classic.
>> Surely there must be flashlights currently made in America, Europe
>> or UK or in larger quanitity in Asia that would look suitable on a
>> touring bike? Anyone have any suggestions?
>> On a related issue, most flashlights, at least those available in
>> USA, use C or D size batteries. I've come to prefer rechargeable
>> batteries as a way to minimize the need to dispose of potentially
>> hazardous materials, although even rechargeable batteries will
>> eventually be discarded. Anyone know where to get the best prices
>> on rechargeable C and D batteries and on chargers that will handle
>> these sizes? I know such do exit, but they are not nearly as common
>> as the AA and AAA size rechargeables that can now be purchased at
>> most any drugstore or discount store.
>> Regards,
>> Jerry Moos
>> Big Spring, Texas, USA