That's the way I've wraped mine... If I have any problem fitting the plug, I reduce it using a wire wleel...
Don Williams Woodinville Washington USA
On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 1:15 PM, donald gillies <> wrote:
> Everything I ever knew about bicycles I learned from Eugene A. Sloan's
> amazing book, "The Complete Book of Bicycling" (1st edition.) Said
> book also uses 100% Campagnolo parts for repairs (as if Campagnolo
> EVER breaks! Never!) and pretty girls for the other illustrations.
> I am quite certain that sloan says, "tape from the tops, and tuck the
> bar tape into the bar-ends with the plugs, when you are done."
> This is the path to enlightenment in cycling ...
> I think that bicycling today suffers from the lack of a bible as good
> as Sloan's book.
> - Don ("bible-thumping") Gillies
> (originally from the promised land of Illinois, like Sloan)
> San Diego, CA, USA