I really like stock NR brakes. Back when I was fit I used to ride a good bit during the Coors Classic in Colorado. We would climb up one of the big passes like Independence and descend. I always felt the brakes were very controllable and powerful. I have heard that Campy lightened up their latest dual pivot design bc riders were launching over the handlebars. That might just be a rumor as I've never tried them. In fact I've never ridden a bike with anything other than friction shifting.
Keith Kessel Shreveport, La. USA
On Mon, January 19, 2009 4:50 pm, Cino1947@aol.com wrote:
> I've used Campy Nuove Record sidepulls for many years, and never knew
> their potential until I bought a bike with these brakes but with Kool Stop
> pads (the black ones). The difference in stopping power was day and
> night- almost grabby. When I need replacement pads now, these are what I
> use. The dual pivots are also much better.
> Josh Berger
> Bronx, NY
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