I don't think that frame could have been produced by Schwinn in the early '70s. The culture just wasn't there. I've never seen any indication that during the '70s Schwinn built anything that even approximated the style of the day, much less was ahead of the curve. That looks like a bike that was built or modified in the '80s or later. Actually, the only thing that says '70s to me is the fastback. I built a fastback just like that in '75.
Doesn't the strange serial number imply that it was repaired at some point?
Things that are wrong for a 1973 model: There were no production braze on front derailleurs in 1973, and internal brake cable routing was not at all common. The dropouts are not 1010, they look like 1010b or a later copy. Those dropouts didn't exist then. Since the stays aren't domed, I'm guessing the dropouts and seat stays (at least) were replaced. The fork blades are domed, like a Parmount should be, which makes the stay treatment in the back look out of place. The pump peg is a chain hanger. A '73 probably wouldn't have had water bottle braze ons at all, much less three sets. The bottom bracket cable guides are unlikely. The rack mounting braze ons are wrong. I could probably keep going. Eric Keller 610 Lynnwood Dr. Boalsburg PA, USA
On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 12:06 PM, <oroboyz@aol.com> wrote:
> Jerry, I think you are on to the fact that this bike was extensively customized (to say "Restored" in the auction description is a bit of a laugh.)
> Has anyone ever seen this fat back stay treatment on any pre1980 Paramount? I simply don't believe it came from Schwinn that way.
> Dale Brown
> Greensboro, North Carolina USA