Re: [CR] Singer

(Example: Production Builders:Cinelli)

Date: Sat, 24 Oct 2009 20:25:18 +0200
From: "M-gineering" <>
Cc: CR Main Address <>
References: <> <> <a062309f7c708f0d7d259@[]>
Subject: Re: [CR] Singer

Jan Heine wrote:
> At 8:02 AM -0400 10/24/09, James Swan wrote:
>> I like the scene where Olivier is on his bike and your hear the
>> distinctive squeal of Mafac brakes.
> Please be more precise - the squeal of Mafac brake PADS. With different
> pads, Mafac brakes don't squeal.

while the pedant mode is at 11, allow me to postulate that the pads don't squeal. However the friction characteristics of the stock mafac pads will allow the brake system to vibrate at a very audible frequency. At a guess, the rims will probably emit the most noise -- mvg

Marten Gerritsen
Kiel Windeweer