Recent listing that may not yet have been 'outed' here" A '72 Harry Quinn frame & fork, item # 290363542493
I don't know anything about HQ other than what I've read here & on the CR site, but it is in my size & I've got a couple questions: 1. Seller says it's been clear coated to preserve decals - mmm, I could make an argument either way and not sure which side I'd settle on, keep it original or hey, good idea to keep look protected without color touch up, etc. ... guess that's not a "question" as I'm pretty sure I'll get both viewpoints, and those more vehement at either end of the spectrum ;-) 2. serial number - looks in he photo like Q2351 ... would that nbe a '72? - I have an inquiry out to the seller re: this, trying to politely ask how the year was determined. 3. Tange headset - probably not original? 4. What would a typical build have for components, if there is such a thing as a 'typical' build?
Thanks Bob Hillery , desperately looking for excuses to quit working early today and do an autumn ride in Stratham, New Hampshire, US