Re: [CR] Respacing Hi-E Hubs

(Example: Framebuilders:Dario Pegoretti)

Date: Thu, 29 Oct 2009 11:35:24 -0700
From: Jerome & Elizabeth Moos <>
To: M-gineering <>
In-Reply-To: <>
Cc: Rendezvous Classic <>
Subject: Re: [CR] Respacing Hi-E Hubs

Well, it seems I have only one rear hub with slip-on sleeves. It is not the Hi-Lo. It seems the ones with slip on sleeves have a newer larger Hi-E logo on the barrel. My newer one is also spaced 131-132 mm, so I'd have to replace sleeves or cut then down for 126. On the older pressed on ones I do note that the actual end plate, the piece that steps down to the smaller daimeter to slide into the DO, looks as if it might be a separate piece from the sleeve. Any chance these end plates might thread out of the sleeves?


Jerry Moos
Big Spring, Texas, USA

--- On Thu, 10/29/09, M-gineering wrote:

> From: M-gineering <>

\r?\n> Subject: Re: [CR] Respacing Hi-E Hubs AND World Championship Bands

\r?\n> To:

\r?\n> Cc: "Rendezvous Classic" <>

\r?\n> Date: Thursday, October 29, 2009, 10:55 AM

\r?\n> Jerome & Elizabeth Moos wrote:

\r?\n> > Sometime last year I picked up a quite a bit of Hi-E

\r?\n> stuff, much of

\r?\n> > it in one lot from a CR member.  I'm thinking of

\r?\n> using a pair of Hi-E

\r?\n> > wheels, with Harlan's version of the Hi-Lo rear hub,

\r?\n> on the Paramount

\r?\n> > Elite I'm finally getting around to building up. 

\r?\n> But this wheelset

\r?\n> > and most of the other rear hubs are 120 to 122 mm,

\r?\n> while the early

\r?\n> > 80's Paramount is 126 mm as one would expect.

\r?\n> >

\r?\n> > I know it has been said that one used to have to send

\r?\n> the hubs back

\r?\n> > to Harlan for bearing replacement, but what about the

\r?\n> end caps?  Can

\r?\n> > they be removed without special tools?  If so,

\r?\n> what is the best way

\r?\n> > to remove them? If I can get them off, I might insert

\r?\n> spacers under

\r?\n> > the end caps to respace to 126.


\r?\n> LAter hubs had the RH endcaps reamed for a slipfit. I'd try

\r?\n> gently heating the endcap, sticking an old skewer in crooked

\r?\n> so it doesn't exit the cap and tapping with a hammer

\r?\n> >

\r?\n> > This one wheelset is completely Hi-E, including hubs,

\r?\n> rims, spokes

\r?\n> > and nipples.  The spoke nipples do not protrude

\r?\n> from the inside of

\r?\n> > the rim, but are tightened from outside the rim using

\r?\n> a special

\r?\n> > socket wrench.  Don't some modern prebuilt wheels

\r?\n> use nipples of this

\r?\n> > type?  If so, replacement nipples for these

\r?\n> modern wheels might work

\r?\n> > to replace missing Hi-E nipples.  Except the Hi-E

\r?\n> nipples seem to be

\r?\n> > 15 gauge.  Are any of the modern nipples 15 ga?


\r?\n> HI-E nipples are also much shorter. I might be able to find

\r?\n> some




\r?\n> -- mvg


\r?\n> Marten Gerritsen

\r?\n> Kiel Windeweer

\r?\n> Netherlands