Hey man: I am going to copy the text of the very last email I read before your's....seeya
I am not 100% sure of what you mean by "foil" decals unless you mean the fact that they are two sided and they almost wrap around the tube? I have a graphic artist freind of mine that is probably the best artist in the world that did my Frejus dead nuts. I am having him do these. I get a vinyl print of them and then apply them under a clear coat finish with a lot...I do mean a lot...of wet sanding. It is the coolest finish in the world....you coul not bomb this finish...no way....if you want I can send you photos of the Frejus or you can view it for a while off the old Ebay add, I think that they still will show after the auction is closed but anyway here is the item number 140351155767....I may have made a mistake going too far away from stock doing this job....but I will keep it and ride it to my grave this is the finest bike I ever rode in the 47 or so years of doing it. I have to research ways of doing my pics better....if I only had the extra time. Seeya
Jim Abt
Wausau, Wi. USA