I have been a member of the VCC for 16 years and I have learned 90% of all
I know from it and its helpful members. I well remember looking at the small
ads and wondering what on earth they were going on about. Eg., ''Pr Fiamme
sprints on Campag G/S q/rs 32/40 s/f/g/f JMoyne 5spd '' meant nothing to me
at first.
The VCC has what we call 'Marque Enthusiasts' or 'M.E.s'. I am the ME
for Gillott and specialise in that marque. It would be helpful if some of
you joined the VCC and offered to be ME's for your own particular marque.
Who would be ME for Masi, or Cinelli, or Schwinn? Dont all rush at once!
Mark Stevens Evanton Scotland