[CR] Is Curtis from Phila. VIA BICYCLES too modest?

(Example: Books)

Date: Fri, 9 Oct 2009 08:46:11 -0400
From: "Angel Garcia" <veronaman@gmail.com>
To: CLASSIC RENDEZVOUS <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Subject: [CR] Is Curtis from Phila. VIA BICYCLES too modest?

I may have missed this...but did Curtiss mention this museum project? Reported in BICYLING:

"When Lorie Mertes, Director at *The Galleries at Moore*<http://www.thegalleriesatmoore.org/>moved to Philly in 2006, she was mesmerized. "I didn't grow up around bikes," the curator admits. "Everywhere I looked there were messengers, commuters, bike cops, college kids, club riders and roadies in team colors."

Some see a bike. She saw a design object with a visceral vibe. Her hunt for a vintage town cruiser led to *VIA Bicycles* http://www.bikeville.com/ on South Street where she met Curtis\u2014owner, collector and "font of knowledge" on urban bike lore. She was hooked. With a curator's sensibility and keen eye, Mertes began canvassing the city, piecing together the story of a rich, eclectic and vibrant Philadelphia cycling community.

The result is *BICYCLE: people + ideas in motion*<http://www.thegalleriesatmoore.org/site/exhibitions/bicycle>, a collection of art, design, fashion, video and community events that reveals Philly's love affair with two-wheeled travel. It's now showing at The Galleries at Moor. Admission is free and open to the public. Since getting to Philly might be a stretch for some *Bicycling* and *Mountain Bike * readers, we wanted to share a few highlights of the show online. \u2014Liz Reap Carlson"

Angel Garcia Long Valley, NJ

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