Re: [CR] Fixie Fad comment

(Example: Books:Ron Kitching)

From: "simon duval smith" <>
To: classicrendezvous <>
Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2009 10:32:54 +0000
Subject: Re: [CR] Fixie Fad comment

I could not agree more; London streets are awash with silly trendy track cyclist wannabees/fashion victims, rising fixed wheel or single speed on butchered (often quite vintage) road frames. As I do my 20 mile commute across town on my 1980 Peugeot PKN10E (with 12 speeds), I often tell them that I will object to paying for their knee operations in the future as they pull the wrong gear and strain muscles and joints. I have a fixed gear track bike - a 1950 Claud Butler, it is used on the track, where it belongs. Cycles should be pedalled at 90-110 turns of the chainwheel per minute - any less is damaging to the body. There is a whole industry in London here chopping up road frames and selling the fixed result to saddos who think it is cool to ride a minimalist machine with orange wheels and silly little cut down roadster 'bars.
There, rant over...
Simon Duval Smith