For small tubing you might check out lengths of brake line at the local auto parts store.It may be larger than you want , just my 2cents plain.
For the French Bike of Julian's son. I agree with the call of a Paris Sport variant due to the stamped front of the stem.
Not too long ago someone had a query about Universal 175 brakes. That surprised me because I have always thought there was a connection between the model number and the year of introduction. I would appreciate any light shed on this matter. In the same vein for Universal, I remeber another question about Universal Extras. I believ they are a variant of the model 68. The pair I have is both are stamped Extra. One is longer and the other is the same as a 68 only it is stamped Extra instead of 68. Any information is appreciated. I used to scoff at Universals. But when I used a different lever and new Matthauser pads, voila! They worked. That was 29 years ago.
Happy trails from
john strizek
sacramento california in the USA