I think you hit the nail on the head Chuck. People are Vehicleist!
On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 1:28 PM, Chuck <paccoastcycles@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> It is often heard, and just recently was said regarding fixies, that if
> a cyclist does something "wrong" in traffic, he/she is hurting other
> cyclists. The fear is that motorists will treat every cyclist worse
> because of the wrong action of other cyclists.
> I've often felt the same way but have reservations about the whole
> concept. How close is the act of a motorist who has decided all cyclists
> are bad because of the actions of others to racial stereotyping? I think
> it is pretty similar. Both racial stereotyping and discrimination
> against cyclists happen and I'm not suggesting hiding our heads in the
> tarmac. (ouch!)
> I expect more from my fellow man than to stoop to such low behavior as
> to treat me badly because they are mad at someone else. It is true that
> when people get behind the wheel, they change; mostly for the worse. For
> many, the automobile is the only place in their lives where they feel
> they are in control. I know that is pathetic. But I am certain it is
> true in many cases. The acting out of this control issue can and does
> have dire consequences for cyclists using the same road.
> Have you been harangued by people telling you how much cyclists held
> them up on the roadway? They don't seem to mention how a slow moving
> cement truck held up their speedy progress in traffic. What is the
> difference? Why do they mention us and not the cement truck? I think
> that is because as the smallest vehicle on the road, motorists perceive
> us as the babies and they are the mommies and daddies and they are ever
> ready to teach us a lesson.
> There is plenty of anger on the roadway and think that motorists in
> general carry their mindset with them and do not need an errant cyclist
> to provide an excuse to act disrespectfully toward bicycle riders.
> This does not excuse any cyclist's wrong actions, but it may be useful
> in trying to keep the issue in focus.
> Also, I've been a passenger in cars driven by other cyclists who, when
> they get behind the wheel of a car become the very driver I am wary of
> when I'm on my bicycle. Maybe irony is the force that makes the world
> turn.
> Chuck Hoefer
> Vista, California USA
> _______________________________________________
John Wood
Missoula, Montana, USA