I used Lyotard 460D pedals on all of my road bikes from the early 70s until about 1992 when I discovered SR Lowfat MTB pedals. I even used 460Ds on all campy bikes. I have 10 1/2 EEE feet and always suffered from 'hot foot' riding quill style pedals such as Campy road pedals because they were too narrow.
For a long time, you could tell BSC from metric Lyotard 460D pedals by the color of the axles. BSC pedals where silver - zinc or cadmium plated while the metric one were black. Also at one point they were stamped D/G for metric and R/L for BSC. I think the same thing was true for other Lyotard models.
Later model 460Ds have a hex on the axles rather than wrench flats.
Last year I hoarded about 1/2 dozen pairs in both thread styles.
I think that I remember seeing some Lyotard 460 chrome plated steel pedals too.
I saw any of the color anodized BMX pedals.
Chas. Colerich Oakland, CA USA
R.S. Broderick wrote:
> Wayne,
> I apologize for being severely time constrained (...hence my relative
> brevity), but you may wish to review the following information previously
> posited to the CR List and now found in the archives:
> http://search.bikelist.org/
> eml
> ... in addition to a digital scan from the 1977 Lyotard catalog conveniently
> found on Velo-Pages:
> http://www.velo-pages.com/
> As for its production run, the 460-D dates back to at least the 1950's and
> they were produced almost unchanged well into the 1980's. Of course, there
> are several subtle means of approximating (...or altering appearances to
> suit one's specific needs) the relative production era of a given Lyotard
> 460-D pedal, not the least of which are discernable differences in dust caps
> as well as the flats and profile on their spindle.
> Robert "et tutu, Lyotard?" Broderick
> ...the "Chronically Cloudy Clime" of Oregon
> Portland, USA