Re: [CR] For Sale: Black Brooks Swallow Titanium railed - correction - and now $275

(Example: Framebuilding:Norris Lockley)

From: "Mark Lawrence" <>
To: Tony Colegrave <>
Date: Sat, 17 Oct 2009 13:44:25 +0100
Thread-Topic: [CR] For Sale: Black Brooks Swallow Titanium railed - correction - and now $275
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Cc: "" <>
Subject: Re: [CR] For Sale: Black Brooks Swallow Titanium railed - correction - and now $275

Thanks for pointing that out Tony, but as yours is the only response I got to my advert I'm not sure if it my innacuracy has made much of an impression on CR. I suppose it should have said that I have the little spanner etc.

Price is now $275 including postage if anyone is interested. Else it stays in box.

Best wishes,

Mark Lawrence Oxford, United Kingdom

________________________________ From: Tony Colegrave [] Sent: 17 October 2009 12:00 To: Mark Lawrence Subject: RE: [CR] For Sale: Black Brooks Swallow Titanium railed - a luxury for somebody

Mark, If you've got a ti-framed Swallow with hex-headed tension bolt, it must be the only one ever made that way - or is your's a 'post-manufacture modification'? Just interested, don't want to buy the thing! Regards, Tony.
> From:
> To:
> Date: Fri, 16 Oct 2009 14:56:11 +0100
> Subject: [CR] For Sale: Black Brooks Swallow Titanium railed - a luxury for somebody
> A Black Brooks Swallow saddle with Titanium rails.
> My asking price is just $350 or nearest offer, payment by PayPal only please. Because this saddle is so light, price includes shipping to anywhere in the UK or the US!!! Current Wall bike price is $492. I will find the allen key (hex wrench) and mini tin of proof hide that came with it.
> Ridden for less than 100 miles. I'm a B17 person and always will be, riding the Swallow confirmed this. However, this saddle will probably be deemed luxurious by some deserving racing enthusiast who can benefit from my curiosity in wanting to try it. The Brooks Swallow is a classic design, introduced in 1937 so therefore I believe this to be an on-topic sale.
> Kind regards
> Mark Lawrence
> Oxford, United Kingdom
> _______________________________________________

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