Re: [CR] Classicrendezvous Digest, Vol 83, Issue 102

(Example: Humor)

References: <>
To: <>
Date: Sun, 22 Nov 2009 19:08:01 -0500
From: <>
Subject: Re: [CR] Classicrendezvous Digest, Vol 83, Issue 102

Hello I have a frankinbike that i bought today? a couple of starter questions? wrap around seat lug( raleigh or paramount?) nervexlugs .mixture of parts ? non nervex crown on fork? seventees rake on fork. oil port for the bottom bracket on top( paramount or raleigh?).braze on tabs for rack.the guy said it was a paramount,but it has cable gudie braze ons and top brake cable braze ons?i can send a picture,just need help the rear derailleur says pat 74 (campagnolo).Sugino campy lookalike crank,universal cx brakes zeus levers.wonderful DURA ACE FIRST GEN,WITH OIL PORT/ sheriff star looking hubs.mavic rims,bad repaint and decals? serial number on the bottom 1666 and none on the left rear stayu(paramount?)help Brad

-----Original Message----- From: To: Sent: Sun, Nov 22, 2009 2:59 pm Subject: Classicrendezvous Digest, Vol 83, Issue 102

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R Today's Topics: 1. Re 1960 Cinelli (John Murray) 2. *****SPAM***** Re 1960 Cinelli (John Murray) 3. WTB Schwinn decals. (Tom Harriman) 4. Re: Triples and rod FD and two-wire RD's (Jan Heine) 5. Re: Triples and rod FD and two-wire RD's (Peter Brueggeman)

--------------------------------------------------------------------- Message: 1 ate: Mon, 23 Nov 2009 04:30:14 +1000 rom: John Murray <> ubject: [CR] Re 1960 Cinelli o: <> essage-ID: <612B1BCE00814AE18C0BDD4FCE03D00E@OwnerPC> ontent-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Hello Listmembers Cinelli has a new home,thanks to all who replied,sincere apologies to those whom could not respond to,but I will be posting another frame not a Cinelli though hen I return next weekend from work heers ohn Murray ueensland ustralia ------------------------------ Message: 2 ate: Mon, 23 Nov 2009 04:30:14 +1000 rom: John Murray <> ubject: [CR] *****SPAM***** Re 1960 Cinelli o: <> essage-ID: <612B1BCE00814AE18C0BDD4FCE03D00E@OwnerPC> ontent-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Software zur Erkennung von "Spam" auf dem Rechner hat die eingegangene E-mail als m?gliche "Spam"-Nachricht identifiziert. ie urspr?ngliche Nachricht wurde an diesen Bericht angeh?ngt, so dass ie sie anschauen k?nnen (falls es doch eine legitime E-Mail ist) oder hnliche unerw?nschte Nachrichten in Zukunft markieren k?nnen. ei Fragen zu diesem Vorgang wenden Sie sich bitte an the administrator of that system Vorschau: Hello Listmembers Cinelli has a new home,thanks to all who replied,sincere apologies to those whom I could not respond to,but I will be posting another frame not a Cinelli though when I return next weekend from work Cheers John Murray Queensland Australia Classicrendezvous mailing list [...] Inhaltsanalyse im Detail: (5.6 Punkte, 5.0 ben?tigt) Pkte Regelname Beschreibung --- ---------------------- -------------------------------------------------- 0.6 J_CHICKENPOX_46 BODY: 4alpha-pock-6alpha 0.6 J_CHICKENPOX_23 BODY: 2alpha-pock-3alpha 2.8 UNWANTED_LANGUAGE_BODY BODY: Nachrichtentext in unerw?nschter Sprache 1.1 BAYES_05 BODY: Spamwahrscheinlichkeit nach Bayes-Test: 1-5% [score: 0.0252] 2.7 AWL AWL: From: address is in the auto white-list

------------------------------ Message: 3 ate: Sun, 22 Nov 2009 18:36:24 +0000 rom: Tom Harriman <> ubject: [CR] WTB Schwinn decals. o: Classic Rendezvous <> essage-ID: <BAY140-W9B5C396A1C48F06B7E0E0F09F0@phx.gbl> ontent-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

ood Morning all.

This last week I set my late 1980s Schwinn Voyageur to the wielder to be epaired. As he will have to remove some paint to order to do his work the rame will have to be repainted.

What I need is stickers from the 1980s in either tan or light brown, and some hat read "voyageur". This list seems a good place to start.

Also, I will need one sticker that says "Columbus" for the down tube.

I would like to add that I have followed the thread on the list about epainting, and after much thought I have decided that I will take Brian's dvise, and just ride the darned thing.

Have a Thanksgiving Holiday.

Tom Harriman. San Francisco, Ca.

------------------------------ Message: 4 ate: Sun, 22 Nov 2009 10:52:14 -0800 rom: Jan Heine <> ubject: Re: [CR] Triples and rod FD and two-wire RD's o: Jerome & Elizabeth Moos <>, <> essage-ID: <a06230967c72f36a61eae@[]> ontent-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed At 8:42 AM -0800 11/22/09, Jerome & Elizabeth Moos wrote:
>What rod type FD's were used with triples in the 50's and earlier? Triples were very much the realm of high-end cyclotouring bikes in hose days. Most of these used custom-made front derailleurs, as you an see in our book 'The Golden Age of Handbuilt Bicycles.' However, here is a 1950s Balleuil with a triple and a Huret rod-operated ront derailleur. I haven't ridden the bike, so I don't know how it hifts. Since those derailleurs are relatively common, it might be orth a try. The late 1940s Mayeux also has a (cable-operated) front derailleur ith a triple crankset. I am not sure who made that one, but it looks ike a factory-made item with a big return spring. Perhaps Spirax? 'd have to look through my old magazines...
>But I believe many constructer bikes used a two-wire Cyclo. When did Cyclo change to a single-wire chainstay RD, or did they make both simultaneously? Both were made simultaneously. The two-wire was the high-end model. Jan Heine ditor icycle Quarterly 116 Western Ave. eattle WA 98121 ttp://

----------------------------- Message: 5 ate: Sun, 22 Nov 2009 11:31:22 -0800 rom: Peter Brueggeman <> ubject: Re: [CR] Triples and rod FD and two-wire RD's o: <> essage-ID: <D486897AA70B4D1FB0C5CF43A93B0C78@PC11364> ontent-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1"; reply-type=original Jerry Moos asks "...How common were trple chainrings in the 50's and arlier, and how well did the typical rod FD's of the day handle a triple? .. What rod type FD's were used with triples in the 50's and earlier? ... nyone have good photos or explanation of how to fit a Cyclo two-wire D?..." To add to Jan Heine's comments, here's some catalogue input. Various Simplex catalogues from 1948 through the 1950s state the Simplex ever front derailleurs of various types are for double chainwheels, and here are no triple chainwheel cranksets listed in the catalogues. Various 1950s Cyclo Benelux catalogues lists only double chainwheel sets, nd state the Benelux lever front derailleur is for double chainwheels. The 1952 Brown Brothers catalogue lists no triple chainwheel sets, and says he Huret lever front derailleur is for double chainwheels. I don't have a uret catalogue to determine what Huret themselves say about their lever ront derailleur. A 1956 Simplex catalogue shows a cable-operated Juy-56 front derailleur and ays it "...will operate with a triple chainwheel and as such is the only ear made today with such a feature." This catalogue does not list a triple hainwheel set, only doubles. If Jerry meant a two wire Cycle RD and not FD, here's instructions: Peter Brueggeman a Jolla California USA peebee(at)

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