Why not just visit a few wheelsmiths in your area and just state your technical
and care requirements - either they meet them - or they don't:
Safe, dry and accident free storage of parts before, during and after assembly. 103-110 kgf tension stress relieving of spokes +/- .002 tolerance with exceptions at joint and rim defects glue or no glue
Throwing out "CR-type concerns" for all I know could mean:
1. Hug each part. 2. Hold up North, South, East and West 3. Praise Roman gods if Italian, Buddha if Japanese or Taiwanese, etc. 4. Smoke a joint, have a beard, plaid shirt and John Lenin glasses and praise Sheldon Brown. 5. Spend three days achieving a micron spot adjustment that most builder can achieve in 5 seconds.
Good Morning
Robert Shackelford San Jose, CA USA
Quoting ryan hildebrand <greengate@gmail.com>:
> Dear all,
> Could someone recommend a wheel builder in Austin TX who is familiar
> with/sympathetic to CR-type concerns?
> Thank you,
> Ryan Hildebrand
> Austin TX
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