The shill bidders seem to be scamming eBay as much or more as they are scamming us. The seller could easily protect his or her interests by using a reserve price, but that would result in a higher fee for eBay and might not attract the same bidding interest from buyers.
You'd think eBay would vigorously seek to stamp out this practice. Steven, I think that looks very bad for the seller. Have you considered going to eBay with your observations?
Kerrigan Bennett Pleasant Hill, CA USA
That's been a problem with eBay ever since they started hiding every bidder's ID.
It's supposed to protect us from scams. While it may protect a few inexperienced or not too bright bidders, what it really does is protect shillers!
I stop bidding or don't bid when I see someone with no feedback or who has a lot of bid retractions running the price up!
Have you ever tried to do a bid retraction???
Chas. Colerich
Oakland, CA USA