Thomas, I haven't seen any of my own postings to the list in almost 2 years now. I contacted Dale at the time when this occurred, but he had no idea about it. Perhaps you'll have to cancel your membership and re-signup. In the mean time, you can refer to the archives to see any of your own posts, they'll be there.
David Snyder assuming this post actually goes out to the list in Auburn, CA usa
>I sent an e-mail about this, but it has not shown up... I'm curious if
> the lis has been re-set so we do not recieve e-mails tha we send?
> So, here again is the info. I thought perhaps pertainent and
> interesting:
> I send this to myself now, to see if it acually goes...
> And if anyone knows about the settings for the list and whether we should
> expect to see our own e-mails to the list or not... please tell me =)
> thanks!
> Thomas Seaman
> Moscow, Idaho (for now) U.S. of A.