Sorry, forgot the subject line
> From: John Siemsen <>
\r?\n> Subject:
\r?\n> To:
\r?\n> Date: Sunday, December 20, 2009, 2:09 PM
\r?\n> This frame is sitting in my basement
\r?\n> now. It got some discussion on the list suggesting it
\r?\n> to be a Carlton Flyer. Asking for help with ID.
\r?\n> Some details: Brazeon's for shifters, derailleur cable
\r?\n> stops, but not brake cables. Oiler port in the bottom
\r?\n> of the BB shell. Cyclo front ends, not sure rear, but
\r?\n> not Campagnolo. Serial number K6987, which one site I
\r?\n> found suggested 1962.
\r?\n> Hard to tell if it had paint at one time, most chrome is
\r?\n> well polished, though scratched in places by age.
\r?\n> Maybe it had the translucent paint over the chrome in
\r?\n> spots. There is no evidence of holes for a head
\r?\n> badge.
\r?\n> Here's the ebay link:
\r?\n> Thoughts?
\r?\n> John Siemsen
\r?\n> Portland, Oregon