Re: [CR] Cycle RE Cycle Colorado Bicycles for Sale

(Example: Humor)

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References: <75B3EA170F5E4BE78E84E405E6057F66@gateway2v8e13w>
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 2009 08:06:21 -0500
From: "Ken Freeman" <>
To: <>
Cc: Peter Tengerdy <>,, Charles Nighbor <>
Subject: Re: [CR] Cycle RE Cycle Colorado Bicycles for Sale

That Columbine looks like it has a fairly steep seat tube. Was that their normal way of designing a frame, or is it just based on the rider/riding requirements?

On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 12:20 AM, <> wrote:
> Wow, thanks Charles. That's not far from me, and I am already plotting to
> go see that Columbine this week. I bought one from Lou a couple of years ago
> and loved it, although it turned out to be too small for me no matter how
> much I tried to will it larger. Columbine frames are truly an American
> classic artisan bike, and I've been chasing them for decades.
> There are a few other cool bikes in that lineup (this is a blatant
> distraction to steer y'all away from that Columbine), but alas, if anyone is
> interested, and if I can get down there to check it out, I'll be happy to
> fill you in on it.
> Thanks for the heads up Charles!
> Greg Overton
> erasing my Christmas List and starting over, near
> Denver, Colorado
> Quoting Charles Nighbor <>:
> Here is Cycle RE Cycle Colorado Bicycles for Sale web site
>> A Colubine 54cm is listed that is one great brame. Ask Lou deeter about
>> them
>> Not owner
>> Charles Nighbor
>> Walnut Creek, CA USA
>> _______________________________________________
> _______________________________________________

Ken Freeman
Ann Arbor, MI USA