Re: [CR] American Flyers Movie (Rob Weiser)

(Example: Framebuilders:Rene Herse)

From: "Rob Weiser" <>
To: <>
Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2009 18:57:23 -0500
Thread-Index: AcmWA/Glhi/fE67lQ8WWXpKgKz5SzgADM74g
In-Reply-To: <>
Subject: Re: [CR] American Flyers Movie (Rob Weiser)

I think we can agree that yes the movie was cheesy and yes it may have not been that accurate and yes it was low budget, but that's not the point. Rocky Horror Picture show was corny also but it is considered a cult classic movie and I believe American Flyers is in the same ballpark. Enjoy the movie for the snapshot in time it captures, like the hairstyles, sunglasses, tube socks, short shorts, early Nike sneakers and t-shirts that were the fashion of the time. I enjoy the movie for that reason and every time I watch it, my kids always ask the same question which is....Daddy is that the way you dressed in the early 80's?, and sadly I have to answer, with my head bowed in shame, yes that's how I dressed.....

Rob Weiser Miami, Florida

-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Sent: Monday, February 23, 2009 5:13 PM To: Subject: Classicrendezvous Digest, Vol 74, Issue 108

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Today's Topics:

1. No limit to what can be parted out on Ebay (David Bean) 2. Re: American Flyers (Leonard Diamond) 3. Re: Cycling films ( 4. Re: CR] Don't be messing with American Flyer ( 5. Was cycling films now TV specials (Tom Sanders) 6. Cycling movies WTB ( 7. Re: Cinelli late production Mod Bs (dave martinez) 8. Re: dating my team Raleigh track bike frame (Steve Birmingham) 9. Fwd: American Flyers ( 10. Movies/American Flyers ( 11. help neede..list member who can translate german to me. ( 12. wtt: cinelli stem 130 for 110,115,105 in that order of pref. ( 13. youtube motorpace (Michael Thompson) 14. Bike model years (Bob Freitas)


Message: 1 Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2009 15:15:41 -0500 From: David Bean <> Subject: [CR] No limit to what can be parted out on Ebay To: "CR List (E-mail)" <> Message-ID: <001401c995f3$80bad810$6d7ba8c0@dkbwin2k> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

I laughed when I ran into item # 270345221289 while looking at Sturmey-Archer stuff on ebay. Two [different, used] spokes! Then I looked this morning and they had SOLD; and for an astonishing price! I wonder if the buyer of those might want the other 30...?

David Bean Arlington, MA USA beandk at are-see-enn dot com


Message: 2 Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2009 15:18:25 -0500 From: Leonard Diamond <> Subject: Re: [CR] American Flyers To: 'CR' <> Message-ID: <000301c995f3$e2a5d480$a7f17d80$@net> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Mike Schmidt, referring to Alexandra Paul (of American Flyers and Baywatch fame) said:

"She is if she was born after 1983."

July 29, 1963, so firmly in the appropriate time period (for many of us). She also rides a bicycle having completed the 1997 ironman triathlon. See: for a video of her running/riding/swimming

Len Diamond, with too much time on his hands at work Ridgewood, New Jersey USA


Message: 3 Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2009 15:19:05 -0500 From: <> Subject: Re: [CR] Cycling films To: <>, <> Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

"The Flying Scotsman"

2006 British drama film, based on the life and career of Scottish?cyclist Graeme Obree.??


I really liked the movie.

John A. Quigley


Gee, I don't know how I forgot that one... great film.? Makes a great double feature with "The World's Fastest Indian."

Bob Hovey Columbus, GA USA


Message: 4 Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2009 15:38:13 -0500 From: <> Subject: Re: [CR] CR] Don't be messing with American Flyer To: <> Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"

Plus, building sets for that movie paid for two years of my law school. Those paychecks were masterpieces.

Peter Bridge san diego ca usa (the only guy in his graduating law class who had shaved legs)

Date: Sun, 22 Feb 2009 23:51:23 -0500 From: Dale Brown <oroboyz(AT)> Subject: _[CR] Don't be messing with American Flyer_ ("Don't+be+messing+with+Am erican+Flyer"&SearchPrefix= @msgsubject&SortBy=MsgDate[a])

I can't think of another way any better of getting on my bad side than messing with the foggy eyed, sentiment dripping, soul searing nostalgia

**************You're invited to Hollywood's biggest party: Get Oscars updates, red carpet pics and more at Moviefone. (


Message: 5 Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2009 15:46:31 -0500 From: Tom Sanders <> Subject: [CR] Was cycling films now TV specials To: <> Message-ID: <00f401c995f7$d1618620$74249260$@net> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

HDTV has a documentary they run every once in a while titled Riding The TDF that High Definition viewers can watch. Two guys win a contest sponsored by Trek and Trek takes them to Europe to train for a bit and then ride the steepest stage of the TDF. Before they go they are taken to the Trek factory and presented with two state of the art (seriously off topic, here folks) racing bikes. The training in Europe is done with some really famous racers that you'll just about all recognize and then a few days before the Peloton is scheduled to get there they are turned loose on the mountain. True story with the actual folks and in stunning Hi-Def, it's very entertaining. If you don't have a Hi-Def TV system, it is worth sucking up to a friend who does and asking them to keep an eye out for the next airing of it. Might even be worth setting aside a bottle of wine or a six pack of gourmet root beer (Natural Brew?) to bring along.

Tom Sanders

Lansing, MI USA


Message: 6 Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2009 14:51:59 -0600 From: <> Subject: [CR] Cycling movies WTB To: <> Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain

All this talk of cycling movies has reminded me of my annual search for "Tracks of Glory", the Major Taylor made for TV movie. Anyone got a copy ?Jim AmmiratoW.Newton,MA


Message: 7 Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2009 12:59:08 -0800 From: dave martinez <> Subject: Re: [CR] Cinelli late production Mod Bs To: <> Cc: CR List <> Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Hello Kurt, In regards to a late production Cinelli Mod B....? I have a 80s Cinelli c atalog/flyer or brochure which depicts a flying "C" road frame with a flat fork crown. The catalog is buried in the garage, so?I'm going by memory. The?pic shows only the front of the frame. Other than that, I have never seen a Mod B later than mid 70s vintage. Regards, David Martinez Fremont Ca
   US of A

--- On Mon, 2/23/09, Kurt Sperry wrote:

From: Kurt Sperry <> Subject: Re: [CR] Cinell To: Cc: "CR List" <> Date: Monday, February 23, 2009, 11:31 AM

2009/2/23 dave martinez <>:
> Hello Kurt,
> I am not absolutely sure that this frame is a Cinelli. I have compared th e
> frame building characteristics with several from the mid 50s to the early
> 70s. The side profile of the headtube lug shore does not follow the line of
> any of the Cinellis that I've seen. Its a subtle difference, but it becom es
> very apparent when you study the profiles carefully. The bottom
> bracket bridge is fillet brazed to the stays. I have never seen a Cinelli
> with this treatment- the bridge has always been supported. The headbadge
> looks like a repo to my eyes. The forkcrown race lacks a U shape releif
> found on virtually all Cinellis. And finally I see no serial number. I kn ow
> that most Cinellis have serial numbers -? I know they make no sense, bu t all
> Cinellis that I have seen have something down there. In the very early da ys
> it was just the frame size, later it was Italian lottery numbers (ha!).
> Question-- what is the seatpost diameter?????Yes, Cinelli did make some
> dogs, I owned one. Its not an issue when you're riding it though.
> Regards, David Martinez, Fremont Ca US of A "taking care of my sick son
> today".
> --- On Sun, 2/22/09, Kurt Sperry <> wrote:
> From: Kurt Sperry <>
> Subject: [CR] Cinelli?
> To:
> Cc:
> Date: Sunday, February 22, 2009, 5:23 PM
> Item number: 150327167727
> Any chance at all this is what it purports to be?? So many details
> look wrong: Fork crown, seat cluster, drop-out and fork end brazing,
> general quality of construction.? It says it's a repaint.
> Did Cinelli quality ever actually plunge to this dismal level at any
> time in the '70s? Or any other time?
> Kurt Sperry
> Bellingham, Washington
> _______________________________________________

I've looked at all my Cinelli photos and this one just doesn't seem to add up.? The fork crown and stay bridges as you say seem wrong and different from any Mod. B (or SC), the attachment of the chainstays and forks to the dropouts is again different than any Cinelli Mod. B or SC I've ever seen, the lack of a serial number, the holes in the BB shell, the profile of the headlugs.? And of course the frame is claimed to be '70s (and the BO cable guides atop the BB shell would indicate it likely is) yet I've never seen nor heard of a Cinelli Mod. B made later than the '60s.

Kurt Sperry Bellingham, Washington USA _______________________________________________


Message: 8 Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2009 16:03:20 -0500 From: Steve Birmingham <> Subject: Re: [CR] dating my team Raleigh track bike frame To: <> Message-ID: <000c01c995fa$28364e20$78a2ea60$@com> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Interesting, another bit of Raleigh oddness. I'd assumed the 1973 date from the dealer letter I have that includes the code for 1973, and includes Worksop in the list of factories using the new system. If I recall it right, it also advertises items that a shop would typically buy in late fall, for the following season.

So my thinking was that a 1973 frame might be a few 1974 spec bikes made in very late 73.

But with Hilarys info, I'm wondering when the letter is really from, or if the different factories phased in the numbering system at different times. The letter could of course be from late 74, but then the inclusion of 3 for 1973 as a date code makes little sense. Unless it was all planned in 73, but waited a year before it got implemented to wait for Worksop to reorganize.

How about the other factories then? Are there any we have with 1973 date codes in the "new" format?

Steve Birmingham Lowell, Massachusetts USA

Message: 12 Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2009 18:56:31 +0000 From: Hilary Stone <> Subject: Re: [CR] dating my team Raleigh track bike frame

Its simply not possible - Worksop W series numbers commenced after they reorganised Worksop in the autumn of 1974. The last year was 1989 - as the Raleigh Special Products began its own numbering system in 1990. These commence with a single letter and 1990 was A. However there are a few SB numbered frames which allegedly were built in 1990/1 SB9726 was supposedly built for the Raleigh Castorama team in 1991. Certainly the SB group kept using using their own number system in 1989. I am going to talk to somebody who worked there at the time in the near future and see whether he can shed further light.

Hilary Stone, Bristol, British Isles

donald gillies wrote:
> If someone has a photo of a Wx3nnnnnn frameset that is a 1973 frameset
> (i.e. it should have long dropouts in the back, and/or 1973 lugs), I'd
> really love to see it because I've seen 100+ 1973 raleigh frames and
> they all begin with the 'H' or 'A' prefix for the serial number.
> A Wx0nnnnnn frame would be 1980.
> Can someone pinpoint the last year that the WxNNNNN numbering scheme
> was used? I think the first year was 1974, but what was the LAST year?
> - Don Gillies
> San Diego, CA, USA
> _______________________________________________


Message: 9 Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2009 16:06:22 -0500 From: <> Subject: [CR] Fwd: American Flyers To: <> Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Should have also mentioned "The 6 day Bicycle Racer" with Joe E. Brown from the 30's. Great riding/racing and of course humor. I had a very rough copy at one time but became unwatchable. I have yet to see a DVD or a good VHS copy unfortunately.

Rex Gilmore Vienna, VA

-----Original Message----- From: To: Sent: Mon, 23 Feb 2009 4:01 pm Subject: Re: [CR] American Flyers

There is also a movie called "Two Seconds" which I believe was made in the late '90s but maybe later. It's a Canadian movie about a woman MTB racer who is let go by her pro team after losing a downhill?race by two seconds (at the old Mammoth Mountain races). What is interesting to those of us here is that she goes to a bike shop to get her MTB fixed upon returning to home and it turns out to be run by an old Italian pro who?has an affinity for the past, including his vintage bike. It's actually pretty good (and subtly funny) to see the relationship develop between the shop owner and the girl and what eventually happens (and probably not what you are thinking!)?

Rex Gilmore Vienna, VA?

-----Original Message----- From: Leonard Diamond <> To: 'CR' <> Sent: Mon, 23 Feb 2009 3:18 pm Subject: Re: [CR] American Flyers

Mike Schmidt, referring to Alexandra Paul (of American Flyers and Baywatch fame) said:

"She is if she was born after 1983."

July 29, 1963, so firmly in the appropriate time period (for many of us). She also rides a bicycle having completed the 1997 ironman triathlon. See: for a video of her running/riding/swimming

Len Diamond, with too much time on his hands at work Ridgewood, New Jersey USA


A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy steps!


Message: 10 Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2009 16:11:38 -0500 From: <> Subject: [CR] Movies/American Flyers To: <> Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

There is also a movie called "Two Seconds" which I believe was made in the late '90s but maybe later. It's a Canadian movie about a woman MTB racer who is let go by her pro team after losing a downhill?race by two seconds (at the old Mammoth Mountain races). What is interesting to those of us here is that she goes to a bike shop to get her MTB fixed upon returning to home and it turns out to be run by an old Italian pro who?has an affinity for the past, including his vintage bike. It's actually pretty good (and subtly funny) to see the relationship develop between the shop owner and the girl and what eventually happens (and probably not what you are thinking!)?

And there is also "The 6-Day Bicycle Racer" with Joe E. Brown from the 30's. Great riding/racing and of course humor. Joe actually did much of his riding including scenes on the rollers and the boards. I had a very rough copy at one time but it eventually became unwatchable. I haven't seen a DVD or a good VHS copy yet,so if anyone knows of where to find (if aeven available) let me know.

Rex Gilmore Vienna, VA?


Message: 11 Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2009 16:17:37 -0500 From: <> Subject: [CR] help neede..list member who can translate german to me. To: <> Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"


anyone read german.

i need a auction i bid on translated to me.

thanks robbie fellows lakewood,ca. **************Get a jump start on your taxes. Find a tax professional in your neighborhood today. ( cid=emlcntusyelp00000004)


Message: 12 Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2009 16:23:15 -0500 From: <> Subject: [CR] wtt: cinelli stem 130 for 110,115,105 in that order of pref. To: <> Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"

hi all anyone need a longer stem and have a shorter one they would like to trade?mine is a 1a trad. 26.4 with bolt underneath to tighten. some marks above min. ,appearance could be improved by polishing but good for a rider

imho. newer style logo. here's a link contact offlist if interested kevinruberg howell nj usa **************Get a jump start on your taxes. Find a tax professional in your neighborhood today. ( cid=emlcntusyelp00000004)


Message: 13 Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2009 13:31:20 -0800 From: Michael Thompson <> Subject: [CR] youtube motorpace To: CR Main Address <> Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

A buddy of mine in Fort Worth sent me their latest folly. These guys have a great time, you should see them on the 4th of July. ? ? More cycling on video. ? Mike Thompson Monroe, LA =0A=0A=0A


Message: 14 Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2009 14:12:46 -0800 From: Bob Freitas <> Subject: [CR] Bike model years To: CLASSIC RENDEZVOUS <> Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1"; format=flowed

Back in the day the bike model years were truly years. So a 1965 model bike would be shown at the fall dealer shows for delivery after the new year. This got a little wacky during the 70s boom as equipment shortages caused some substitution plus there were new models being introduced mid year. On top of this Shimano decided to update component groups twice a year so the derailleur we started the year with might be something else come summer time. Further confusion was added by say Bianchi which would build Frames at Reparto Corsa and then hold them until ordered for assembly so you might see bikes that had a frame which sat in a warehouse for a year or more. I remember Bianchi Gran Sport models that appeared with Sportsman derailleurs (when did the cease Gran Sport production?) My Dad bought a container of Louison Bobet branded bikes in 1962 or 63 and I am sure we had some left when we moved to our new building 3 years later. This has now changed with the new models showing up in the fall but I expect this is because the business is more year round. In the 60s were did 75% of our business in the 4th Quarter as Bicycles were still Toys that sold best at Christmas time.So that fact may answer the question as to why there were mainly ''Bike and Toy'' Bike and Lock'' and ''Bike and Mower'' shops and I can pick most any car lock faster then you can use your key.




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