Re: [CR] eBay Outing = NOS Nervar Chainring to fit TA Cyclotouriste Crank

(Example: Framebuilders:Jack Taylor)

Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2009 18:29:09 -0800
From: "Kevin Kruger" <>
To: <>, <>
In-Reply-To: <>
Subject: Re: [CR] eBay Outing = NOS Nervar Chainring to fit TA Cyclotouriste Crank

I have 36 tooth 128BCD, yes that's 36 tooth inner Nervar chainrings to fit the 128 bolt pattern for the outer rings that are TA Cyclotouriste compatib le. So, the inner rings do fall below the 40T (36 is the smallest for 128BC D).

These will be offered for sale on eBay shortly.

Regards, Kevin Kruger = Grantville, PA

--- On Mon, 2/23/09, Jerome & Elizabeth Moos <> wrot e: From: Jerome & Elizabeth Moos <> Subject: Re: [CR] eBay Outing = NOS Nervar Chainring to fit TA Cyclotouri ste Crank To:, Date: Monday, February 23, 2009, 8:44 PM

Yep, this is a Nervar Sport, which, like a Stronglight model 49 outer ring, is compatible with TA Cyclotourist arms. However, like Stronglight mod 49, th e inner circle is different, 128 for Nervar, 122 for Stronglight. So if you use a Nervar outer ring, you must use a Nervar inner ring - I don't know of anyon e else than made a 128 BCD ring. A 128 BCD ring should go down to 38T, but I've never seen one smaller than 40T.


Jerry Moos
Big Spring, Texas, USA

--- On Mon, 2/23/09, Kevin Kruger wrote:

> From: Kevin Kruger <>
> Subject: [CR] eBay Outing = NOS Nervar Chainring to fit TA Cyclotourist e Crank
> To:
> Date: Monday, February 23, 2009, 9:45 AM
> Just wanted to bring my eBay auction to the attention of TA
> crank fans - a
> NOS Nervar 52 tooth outer ring that is perfectly compatible
> with TA Cycloto
> uriste crank arm BCD (I mounted one to a TA arm just to be
> 100% certain and
> took photos to prove it).
> I have a few of these, including the inner chainrings in
> various sizes. 
> To view the auction, please see the following address or
> item #110353654477
> :
> Regards,
> Kevin Kruger - Grantville, PA