Having first gone 4 years ago I can tell you that with the much larger crowds somethings have suffered (and others like the Swap have greatly improved) The 06 edition was more people (500 late registrations on Saturday)but still not bad .07 was a different story .with 1000 more entrants plus the pro race. Chianti has been promoting MTB riding for quite a while so I was impressed they would eliminate them for 08. The Gran Fondo groups have used L'EROICA as a season ending event. Their bikes are certainly off topic for the regular event so why not have something they and the MTBers could do. I had heard they were looking at 2 events and now it comes to pass. What this really means is a true CR type event where everyone rides an on topic bike. I have always done so but there were many riders on modern bikes (though most of them left in the early AM on the 135 KM or 200KM routes.) My hat is off to the organizers for preserving a very unique event. It is not to early to think about this years event and I have noticed the fuel surcharges have disappeared from the Airfares. I am always available for questions and I know Blufreccia (they are a CR advertiser and are found on the CR homepage)is taking reservations for Hotels and the L'EROICA event.