Steve Frazier wrote:
> Hi all,
> Regarding non-steel Touring/commuting bikes, I was thinking of this very
> topic today while commuting in the snow and slugh on my vintage lugged
> steel touring bike.
> I am aware of 3 carbon fiber bikes suitable for commuting duty, all of
> which are much less expensive than the Crumpton CF bike that was
> reviewed in Bicycle Quarterly. The ones I am aware of are:
> - The Koga-Miyata Terraliner Carbolite, a CF-framed, flat-bar
> light-touring/commuting bike available only in Europe (see their UK
> website)
There are a few 'carbon' commuterbikes available here, but they are
bloody heavy marketing contraptions for the wealthy uninformed
> You also raised the question of whether there were touring bikes
> available in non-steel. Cannondale of course has been making well
> regarded touring bikes in aluminum for many years, and Koga-Miyata makes
> the very interesting aluminum World Traveler, available in the U.S. from
> a dealer in Santa Barbara.
try buying a commuterbike that isn't aluminium over here !
-- mvg
Marten Gerritsen
Kiel Windeweer