Re: [CR] Touring Shoes and Clipless

(Example: Production Builders)

From: "Mark Lawrence" <>
To: "" <>, "" <>
Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2009 18:39:22 +0000
Thread-Topic: [CR] Touring Shoes and Clipless
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Subject: Re: [CR] Touring Shoes and Clipless

Hi Kirke,

Last year I bought a pair of Reynolds shoes.

They are made of decent leather, and have a stiff sole construction, but do n't get a second glance if you wear them off the bike. When I was a kid, t his is what all the tourers wore, along with 'tudor' brand tights and stuff . Their sizes come up fairly large and wide but this is good for me. The only race clipless shoes that fit me are Sidi genius in the 'mega' width.

Reynolds shoes are made and sold by a UK firm, yet with the current advanta ge the dollar has over sterling in the exchange rate, now is as good a time as any to buy them.

Hope this helps,

Mark Lawrence

Oxford, England.

-----Original Message----- From: [mailto:classicrendezvous-boun] On Behalf Of Kirke Campbell Sent: 11 February 2009 14:55 To: Subject: [CR] Touring Shoes and Clipless

Hey list! (sorry if this went through twice, I dont know if the email clear ed the first time!)

I was wondering if anyone knows of a company that still makes non-clipless cycling-specific shoes in the style of old Avocet touring shoes? Things lik e this show up on ebay occasionally, but they are rarely in my size and I d ont really want to buy used shoes. If you have any tips please share!

Also, I currently have clips and straps on all my bikes and (believe it or not) have never used a clipless system! Now, everyone likes to tell me that going clipless is the best way to improve your pedaling. I was wondering i f anyone has decided to use clipless pedals on their otherwise "period corr ect," on-topic bikes for the sake of improving technique and efficiency?

Kirke Campbell
Houston, Tx USA