Re: [CR] Emey Hoffman has passed away

(Example: Racing:Roger de Vlaeminck)

In-Reply-To: <E15D9BBED7DF4467A55A871D2401A77B@Perry>
Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2009 17:11:11 -0500
From: "Bruce Audino" <>
To: "John T. Pergolizzi" <>, <>
Subject: Re: [CR] Emey Hoffman has passed away

That's sad news. His shop (Busy Bee) is a block away from me. Piles of old campy and other stuff in no type of order (to me at least) inside. Summertimes Emey and crew would be hanging outside sipping on "sodas" and fixin bikes. The place has the feel of an auto body shop. Emey was also the local expert in Sturmey-Archer repair and very knowledgable with all types of old Raleighs. I don't go in there often, but noticed I didn't see him in the window the last few times I passed by. I wonder who is in charge of the shop as it was still open last I checked. There's a nice looking PX-10 hanging in the window. Its a sad loss for our neighborhood, but hopefully someone will keep the place going.

Bruce Audino NY, NY

On 2/9/09, John T. Pergolizzi <> wrote:
> Dear List,
> I got word a few hours ago, and have just confirmed, the very sad news
> of the passing of Emey Hoffman of Emey's Bike Shop, formerly of E.17th
> st. and Busy Bee Bicycle on E.6th st in New York City on January 8th,
> 2009 of a heart attack at age 62.
> Emey was a fixture going waaay back in the NYC vintage scene and he
> still rode his bike from home to the shop regularly. He was super
> knowledgeable with the hands on "get it fixed" style of wrenching and
> often worked upside down alla Tom Avenia style with an old Tommy floor
> style wooden handlebar holder. His inventive mind never ceased to work
> on an improvement on some commonly used item. His shop on 17th St. was
> the last of the old time repair shops. If ya needed a washer, you went
> to the floor!
> Emey was very generous to The Brooklyn Velodrome Vintage Wheelmen,
> allowing us to use the back of his bike shop to hold our first BVVW
> meeting back on Friday December 7,2001.
> I remember Emey this way:
> PG.html
> and:
> jpg.html
> Please look at the rest of the album for shots of a BVVW meeting at the
> old shop so as to get an idea of what that classic place was like:
> <
> =4>
> 4
> Thank you Emey for your generosity, the good memories and rest in peace,
> John T.Pergolizzi
> San Diego, Ca.
> _______________________________________________

Bruce Audino
New York City, NY