Re: [CR] Touring Shoes and Clipless

(Example: Component Manufacturers:Chater-Lea)

In-Reply-To: <>
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Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2009 02:45:37 -0500
From: "Harry Travis" <>
To: Jon Spangler <>
Subject: Re: [CR] Touring Shoes and Clipless

John Hurley: Float usually refers to the ability to pivot the foot on the pedal without spring resistance which precedes almost all unclipping. But, Time would have you believe they give you more:lateral float, from side to side.

Jon Spangler: Would you tell me more about "back when the "ballet slipper" fitting method was in vogue. I nearly ruined my feet that way" What was "ballet slipper fitting"t, and how did it come to ruin your feet, if it now recognized to have that risk. (Just as fixed cleats are believed to be damaging to riders whose legs naturally pivot on their pedals as part of their stroke cycle. )

Harry Travis Washington, DC USA

On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 4:32 PM, Jon Spangler <>wrote:
> Kirke and all,
> I use XXL toeclips and straps on my around-town 1973-ish Peugeot mixte
> (UO-18), as I'm in and out of the pedals all the time. I extended the
> toeclip length with spacers so I can pedal in work boots or other
> longer-than-cycling-shoe footwear. The Peugeot may have SIS shifting, but
> she is mostly CR-legal otherwise.
> For longer rides, I can no longer tolerate toe clips and straps like I once
> did. (I used all-leather shoes like Detto Pietros with hand-set nailed
> cleats for a long time, back when the "ballet slipper" fitting method was in
> vogue. I nearly ruined my feet that way.)
> I have had chronic problems with my right knee (the leg was weakened by
> muscle mass lost following a 1970 climbing accident), and using LOOK
> clipless pedals (with the black, non-floating cleats) has helped my cycling
> by stabilizing the knee. In my pre-clipless days, cinching down on my
> toestraps so I could pull up effectively yielded numb feet and toes after
> about 40-50 miles. Switching to the LOOKs and using bigger shoes--with
> CF-stiffened soles, BTW--with room for thicker padded sox have both
> significantly improved this. Because the LOOKs substantially reduced the
> numbness in my feet and stabilize my knee, I have to stay with clipless for
> long rides, no matter what the "aesthetics" may look like. (I'd rather be
> able to ride longer distances than be a purist of any sort.)
> FWIW, I have been using the same Shimano Look pedals for almost 20 years,
> which certainly makes them "antiques" by current technological and stylistic
> standards. (Do I get CR brownie points for having old-but-not-CR gear like
> that? :-)
> Yours for being able to pedal long, no matter on what platform,
> Jon Spangler
> Alameda, CA USA
> On Feb 11, 2009, at 8:07 AM, <>
> wrote:
>> Message: 1
>> Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2009 06:54:59 -0800
>> From: Kirke Campbell <>
>> Subject: [CR] Touring Shoes and Clipless
>> To: <>
>> Message-ID: <>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
>> Hey list! (sorry if this went through twice, I dont know if the email
>> cleared the first time!)
>> I was wondering if anyone knows of a company that still makes non-clipless
>> cycling-specific shoes in the style of old Avocet touring shoes? Things like
>> this show up on ebay occasionally, but they are rarely in my size and I dont
>> really want to buy used shoes.
>> If you have any tips please share!
>> Also, I currently have clips and straps on all my bikes and (believe it or
>> not) have never used a clipless system! Now, everyone likes to tell me that
>> going clipless is the best way to improve your pedaling. I was wondering if
>> anyone has decided to use clipless pedals on their otherwise "period
>> correct," on-topic bikes for the sake of improving technique and efficiency?
>> Kirke Campbell
>> Houston, Tx USA
> Jon Spangler
> Writer/Editor
> Linda Hudson Writing
> 510-864-0370/FAX 864-2144
> MOBILE 510-846-5356