Funny thing is I've never disassembled or regreased a Campagnolo pedal ever in spite of riding them for decades. I've got a pair on my off-topic MTB that I pulled off my 1970 Bartali that have seen untold road miles and lots of hard dirt miles that have probably never been serviced since new, are cosmetically beat all to hell and they still spin smooth with no play. Of course I'm firmly in the "if it ain't broke, leave well enough alone" camp. Others actually enjoy taking apart stuff that is still working fine.
I'm curious what prompted you to tear into them.
Kurt Sperry Bellingham, Washington USA
2009/2/13 Raymond Dobbins <>:
> I'd never tried overhauling Record pedals before, and today I did it for th
> e first time with Super Record Ti spindle pedals. I've done bbs, heads
> ets and hubs, so I wasn't expecting any difficulty...but I was surprised
> by how difficult it was to set up the bearings on the outside of the peda
> l (closest to the dustcaps). The loose bearings have to be in precisely
> the right location in order for the cone nut to engage them correctly as
> you thread it on. If you have too much grease on the bearings or the con
> e nut, the bearings get pulled/pushed out of place as the cone threads in.
> It took me a few tries to figure out how to get it right.
> Are all Record pedals as difficult (or easy depending on your level of ex
> pertise!), or are the Ti spindle pedals different?
> Is there a trick to this that I don't know?
> Ray Dobbins
> Miami Florida USA