Hey All,
Thanks for posting the tips. I have a pair of record pedals to
overhaul. These babies need it. They have very little use but the
grease has turned to cement.
It's not one of my bikes. A friend of mine was given this Paramount
touring bike (circa 1971). The Campy parts are pre-CPCS. The rear
derailleur is marked Schwinn Le Tour, but it looks just like a Campy
Rally. The brakes are also Schwinn center pulls. gad-awful things.
The shifters are mounted to the head-set and would look at home in a
1965 Mustang. The frame has Nervex lugs. Overall I don't think the
bike was ridden more than a couple 1000 miles. I'm just overhauling
it so my friend can ride it (his other bike is a Lance Armstrong Trek).
James Valiensi, PE
Northridge, CA USA
On Feb 13, 2009, at 5:18 PM, Scott Minneman wrote:
> I do exactly what Dale suggests here, and was trying to figure out
> how to
> describe the process -- I'm glad he tackled it first.
> One additional thing is, once you get the inner bearings greased
> and pressed
> into the inner cup with the spindle, pull the spindle back out and
> clean
> most of the grease off of it (and make sure the inner bearings, now
> in their
> proper places on the cup, have plenty of grease). That way, you
> dramatically increase the chances that the spindle can be backed
> out without
> bringing any bearings along for the ride, when you push the spindle
> back to
> bring the outer race against the bearings.
> Remember, like Dale says.....turn the outer race, not the spindle
> (although
> it's less of an issue if you've cleaned it up like I've suggested
> -- I often
> get lazy and spin the spindle most of the way).
> Works like a charm.
> Scott Minneman
> San Francisco, California, USA
> -----Original Message-----
> From: classicrendezvous-bounces@bikelist.org
> [mailto:classicrendezvous-bounces@bikelist.org] On Behalf Of Dale
> Brown
> Sent: Friday, February 13, 2009 5:04 PM
> To: raydobbins2003@yahoo.com; classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
> Subject: Re: [CR] Overhauling Super Record Ti pedals
> << ...Is there a?trick to this... >>
> They are tricky.
> Two clues:
> 1. You already referred to this, use only the amount of grease that
> will
> properly do the job, no excess. Maybe use a hypodermic needle or
> something
> similar to insert extra grease after it's together...
> 2., Once you start to reassemble & thread on the outer cone and
> before it
> makes contact with grease laden ball bearings, pull the pedal
> spindle back
> so the outer cone and race contact the bearings. That will leave
> the gap at
> the back or inside bearings (hopefully they will stay in place!) .
> Then
> tighten the cone itself, not twisting the spindle but holding it
> stationary... That will pull the inside bearings and races together
> but with
> the twisting action now taking place up front where they are
> already safely
> in their track. The rear or inner bearings will be drawn together in a
> straight line with hopefully no twisting action which might have
> otherwise
> messed them up. (Does all this make sense?)
> Dale Brown
> Greensboro, North Carolina USA
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Raymond Dobbins <raydobbins2003@yahoo.com>
> To: Classic Rendezvous Bike List <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
> Sent: Fri, 13 Feb 2009 6:14 pm
> Subject: [CR] Overhauling Super Record Ti pedals
> ?
> I'd never tried overhauling Record pedals before, and today I did
> it for th
> e first time with?Super Record Ti spindle pedals.? I've done bbs,
> heads ets
> and hubs, so I?wasn't expecting any difficulty...but I was
> surprised by how
> difficult it was to?set up the bearings on the outside of the peda l
> (closest to the dustcaps).? The loose bearings have to be in
> precisely the
> right location in order for?the cone nut to engage them correctly
> as you
> thread it on.? If you have too much grease on the bearings or the
> con e nut,
> the bearings get pulled/pushed out of place as the cone threads in.
> ? It took me a few tries to figure out how to?get it right.
> ?
> Are all?Record pedals as difficult (or easy depending on your level
> of ex
> pertise!), or are the Ti?spindle pedals different?
> ?
> Is there a?trick to this that I don't know?
> ?
> Ray Dobbins
> Miami Florida USA