Re: [CR] FREE: Lethal Phil Hub Brakes & Parts

(Example: Framebuilders:Bernard Carré)

Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2009 09:19:24 +0100
From: "M-gineering" <>
To: <>
References: <>
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Cc: Classic Rendezvous <>
Subject: Re: [CR] FREE: Lethal Phil Hub Brakes & Parts

Harvey Sachs wrote:
> At some point, keeping too much stuff gets beyond ridiculous, and I've
> reached that point. So, I'll give away, for the cost of shipping to any
> US location, my set of three more-or-less complete Phil "disk" brakes.
> This will leave me with only one, for sentiment's sake. If there is more
> than one person as deranged as I am, to even consider giving these
> things a home, I'll choose the loser 24 hr after this appears in CR
> Digest form.
> The Phil's design, based on a motorcycle clutch geometry, is sublime.
> The machining is beautiful. They are easily adapted to many different
> bikes, since the driver mounts on standard 1.37x24 threading. But, they
> fail too easily in use. Early ones, with un-reinforced fibre disk, shed
> splines and spun freely. Later ones, with metal support, fried nicely in
> place.
> So, what's the catch? The winning loser, the one who gets them, tells
> the most convining yarn of why he wants them (no woman would be this
> deranged?), combined with a fervent promise that they will never be used
> for the intended purpose of stopping a bike. I'll even include a genuine
> copy of a copy of the mounting instructions.
> So, the text may be ironically humorous, but I am happy to send these
> all to some deserving home.

Oh please, please, pretty please could I have one*)?

First of all I'll cart it around the globe for you firmly out of reach of all the US liability courts. No more sleepless nights on account of this one!

It then will be reverently placed in the M-gineering collection of broken bicycle dreams, where it will gather dust (yes this /is/ a bachelor household ;) ) along with such milestones as a Strida (slower than a pair of Nikes, bigger when folded, and free of course), Formula diskbrakes (red anodized, fit no frame known to man), hubs designed to leave the freewheel in place introduced well after the advent of the cassettehub and several disasters of my own which need no further explanation. It will feel right at home!

Then, with no hills within a 100 mile radius to remind it of it's failed mission in life, the brake will be able to slide gracefully in retirement

*) I'll furnish an US adress

-- mvg

Marten Gerritsen
Kiel Windeweer