Name correction = Rosie Rosenthal
Proper signoff = Robert Shackelford, San Jose, CA USA
Quoting Jerome & Elizabeth Moos <>:
> Never heard of it. Have to remember the US mainland was never really in
> danger of serious attack. I think there may have been blackouts of major
> cities early on, probably mostly on the West Coast out of exaggerated fears
> of Japanese attack - they had after all successfully attacked Hawaii. But
> the closest thing to an attack on the mainland was attacks by German U-boats
> on shipping off the coast.
> My impression is that the biggest role of the bicycle in the US war effort
> was a few people may have taken up cycling due to wartime rationing of
> gasoline. May also have been a few mobile units that used bicycles in the
> fields, but I think this was more widespread in the armies of the other
> nations invloved than in the US military.
> Regards,
> Jerry Moos
> Big Spring, TX, USa
> --- On Tue, 3/24/09, Daniel Dahlquist <> wrote:
> > From: Daniel Dahlquist <>
> > Subject: [CR] Civil Defense Bicyclists???
> > To:
> > Date: Tuesday, March 24, 2009, 1:41 PM
> > Dear Group, No doubt many on the list are familiar with the
> > British couriers
> > and civil defense bicyclists with their black out lamps
> > during the Blitz of
> > World War II...Does anyone know if we had a counterpart
> > here in the states
> > during WW II? I know we had a corps of Civil Defense folks
> > with helmets,
> > uniforms, etc...but did any of these individuals ride
> > bicycles?
> >
> > Daniel Dahlquist
> > Galena, Illinois
> >
> >
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