Re: [CR] Pre-Mexico Windsor?

(Example: Framebuilders:Doug Fattic)

Date: Sun, 15 Mar 2009 10:22:45 -0700
From: Jerome & Elizabeth Moos <>
To: <>, Mark Chance <>
In-Reply-To: <57677915F62F4EB198F0C835D986A38A@chancecomputer>
Subject: Re: [CR] Pre-Mexico Windsor?

AFAIK I know, the Mexican Windsor had no connection to any non-Mexican company except for the obvious copying of the Cinelli seatstay, and the various stories about how this came about, whether with permission of Cinelli, hiring away former Cinelli employees, etc. Well, one other "connection" was they persuaded (or paid or whatever) officials at the Mexico City velodrome to slap Windsor decals on the Colnago Eddy Merckx rode to a new Hour Record, a move that reportedly infuriated Ernesto Colnago.

What you describe sounds like an earlier bike of a completely different marque which has nothing in common with the Mexican Windsor but the name. This is not that unsual - there were for example at least three completely different bikes all called Condor. And considering their history in copying the Cinelli stays and slaping their decals on the Colnago, I doubt the Mexican company would have been shy about appropriating an existing name.


Jerry Moos
Big Spring, Texas, USA

--- On Sun, 3/15/09, Mark Chance wrote:

> From: Mark Chance <>

\r?\n> Subject: [CR] Pre-Mexico Windsor?

\r?\n> To:

\r?\n> Date: Sunday, March 15, 2009, 12:00 PM

\r?\n> Greetings, this is my first post and am pleased to be a part

\r?\n> of the

\r?\n> group. I am a collector of vintage lightweights primarily

\r?\n> and share

\r?\n> your passion for the old school craftsmanship

\r?\n> characteristic of these

\r?\n> bikes.


\r?\n> I acquired a frameset yesterday and would like to know if

\r?\n> anyone has

\r?\n> some information about it. It is a chrome-lugged Windsor

\r?\n> that may be

\r?\n> pre-Mexican manufactured. I say this because I have a

\r?\n> couple of mid-70s

\r?\n> era Windsors (Pro and Carerra) with the oval headbadge that

\r?\n> most

\r?\n> collectors are aware of. This one however, has a metallic

\r?\n> circular

\r?\n> headbadge and agrati drop outs. If I remember, some early

\r?\n> 60s

\r?\n> Holdsworths had these same drops, so I am assuming that

\r?\n> this could be a

\r?\n> British-made version. It has a 5-digit SN but that

\r?\n> doesn't bring up

\r?\n> anything online. Can you help?


\r?\n> Mark Chance

\r?\n> Houston, TX