Re: [CR] Early Campy SR post slipping, now campy flaws +seatposts warts and all

(Example: Bike Shops)

Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2009 07:36:59 -0700
From: Jerome & Elizabeth Moos <>
To: <>, <>
In-Reply-To: <>
Subject: Re: [CR] Early Campy SR post slipping, now campy flaws +seatposts warts and all

Well, per comments on and off list, it is evident that the model of Super Record post I was discussing does indeed have trouble with slipping. I seems to me that the cause of the problem is that the convex washer that presses against the bottom of the post is absolutely smooth and chromed to boot. Typical beautiful smooth Campy chroming, but in this case it actually contributes to the problem.

As I noted, the post in question is the one-bolt model with the exposed hex head bolt. I believe Campy later went to a one-bolt design with an allen head bolt. I believe I have at least one of the later allen head posts as well, and I don't recall this problem with the later design. Did the later design have a grooved surface on the convex washer, or at least not a chromed surface? It appears the solution for this post is to roughen the contact surface somehow. Some have reported inserting a bit of sandpaper or wire mesh under the convex washer. If one were willing to use nonreversible means, sanding off the chrome and perhaps filing some grooves at 90 deg angle to the curve would probably do the trick as well.

By the way I have a couple of Zeus 2000 one bolt posts. These used an allen head bolt and they never slip. I believe the bottom of the post and the concave washer have grooves or teeth on the Zeus post. It's no secret that I consider the Zeus 2000 gruppo clearly superior the the Campy Super Record gruppo. This is just another demonstration of that.


Jerry Moos
Big Spring, Texas, USA

--- On Sun, 3/22/09, wrote:

> From: <>

\r?\n> Subject: Re: [CR] Early Campy SR post slipping, now campy flaws +seatposts warts and all

\r?\n> To:

\r?\n> Date: Sunday, March 22, 2009, 10:36 PM

\r?\n> hi all'.... well we have seen two solutions to a common

\r?\n> but not

\r?\n> unescapable(or insurmountable) problem with campy's un

\r?\n> original one bolt design. at an

\r?\n> average weight of 215 lbs.and 6.0 i have managed to use 4

\r?\n> of those seatposts

\r?\n> w/o too much heartache and/or slippage.i will admit to

\r?\n> having shied away from

\r?\n> the 2 bolt model for reasons of slightly less than manual

\r?\n> dexterity or

\r?\n> patience in tight mechanical situations,if one happened to

\r?\n> fall my way pricewise or

\r?\n> any wise i would probably be wise enough to want it. i

\r?\n> can only attest that

\r?\n> this style's(2 bolt) popularity remains unabated if

\r?\n> judging from e-bay

\r?\n> (which i spend far too much leisure time watching ) i also

\r?\n> seem to recall from

\r?\n> reading this list that for those brave enough to use it,

\r?\n> the saddle position is

\r?\n> most definitely immobile which is a great benefit to

\r?\n> people who don't fiddle

\r?\n> around with their saddle position once dialed in. now that

\r?\n> i have defended

\r?\n> some people's sad and pathetic devotion to that archaic


\r?\n> religion(campagnolo)movie nuts such as myself will get the

\r?\n> allusion....,i need to have another

\r?\n> question answered. just how old is the one bolt design as

\r?\n> it continues to be

\r?\n> fairly popular? i have a fluted seat post(looks older than

\r?\n> dirt but probably

\r?\n> isn't) that says brev and gp in cursive script and i

\r?\n> have been told is gippieme

\r?\n> it is spring loaded and has grooves that mate and though

\r?\n> alloy and about 180

\r?\n> mm could definitely do double duty as a war club. and my

\r?\n> second question

\r?\n> would be (due to not having seen any myriad of different

\r?\n> types or models)what

\r?\n> are other popular and or unflawed clamping sytems for

\r?\n> seats ,or better still

\r?\n> and definitely more subjective,what are your favorite

\r?\n> seatposts either for

\r?\n> style ,function,weight weenieness(new word )rarity

\r?\n> ,whatever? enquiring minds

\r?\n> want to know.... be... good.... kevin ruberg howell nj

\r?\n> usa.....

\r?\n> thanks(seriously) to those who replied w/the helpful hints

\r?\n> as i might not always be

\r?\n> lucky...pps i have seen that thingie that goes between the

\r?\n> saddle rails and fits on

\r?\n> top of a "plain* post i know its neurotic but i get

\r?\n> visions of being impaled on

\r?\n> that arrangement somehow though it appears to be

\r?\n> technically impossible from

\r?\n> the way it is configured...but i digress...

\r?\n> >

\r?\n> >

\r?\n> >

\r?\n> >

\r?\n> > _______________________________________________

\r?\n> > Classicrendezvous mailing list

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