Dear Listers:
I have found a set of Matthauser brake pad mounts on line - I think from th e 70s - They are fluted, heat sink looking mounts which curve to the profile of the rim and are longer than most pads. I think they are a great retro look - Question is - does anyone know if there are current pads that will fit these mounts? And will the mounts fit universal Super 68 brake calipers ?
I am considering mounting them on a 60s bike. Also - how unusual are These curved, fluted pad holders? And reliable? I value my neck!! thanks all for your expertise!
Greg Arnold NYC
Greg Arnold Producer / Composer nofat::music
12 West 37th St 4th Floor New York, NY 10018
T 212.629.7595 F 212.629.0017 M 917.825-6624