Re: [CR] L'Eroica 2009

(Example: Racing:Beryl Burton)

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Date: Wed, 8 Apr 2009 07:26:23 -0400
From: "Edward Albert" <>
To: Hugh Thornton <>
Subject: Re: [CR] L'Eroica 2009

Hugh, It is my understanding that it does apply to All internally routed cables even though they were common before the cut off date. This would seem to make it easier for the "bike inspectors" to eliminate possible off topic bikes. I would not chance it. BIMBW. Edward Albert, hoping to make it again this year, in Chappaqua, New York, U.S.A.

On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 7:14 AM, Hugh Thornton <>wrote:
> This prohibition of "concealed control cables" in L'Eroica can only apply t
> o aero-routed brake cables taped to, or inside, the handlebars. It is in
> conceivable that it applies to rear brake and derailleur cables routed thro
> ugh frame tubes, since this was not uncommon on Italian bikes dating from t
> he 1940s, possibly earlier.
> Hugh Thornton
> Cheshire, England
> --- On Tue, 7/4/09, J Sexton <> wrote:
> From: J Sexton <>
> Subject: [CR] L'Eroica 2009
> To:
> Date: Tuesday, 7 April, 2009, 10:32 PM
> (snipped from Bob Freitas' earlier post)
> CR Friends
> With the recent changes to the L'EROICA Event , ie: the elimination of MTBs
> and post 1980 Bicycles (and we thought Dale was tough) the large numbers o
> f entrants will be cut back. 2008 saw something over 3000 participants , a
> far cry from the 900 or so when I went for the first time in 2005.
> I welcome the changes as it began to be to much for the local organizer
> s having to deal with large crowds. The changes will not only help them but
> will return the event back to a more low key adventure.(plus you will not
> be standing behind 200 people at the food stops)
> If anyone is interested, I found this info today. Looks like the cu
> toff is 1987, not 1980.
> Jay Sexton
> Sebastopol, CA
> The Eroica <>, one
> of
> the toughest events on the cyclosportive calendar, is to return to its ori
> ginal concept for the 2009 edition, which will take place on 4th October in
> Gaiole in Chianti. Recent editions of the event, now in its 13th year, hav
> e seen an increasing number of entrants take to the start line on modern ma
> chinery and even mountain bikes. With some 3000 entries expected this year,
> the organisers have decided to restrict participation in the Eroica to tho
> se riding cycles built or using technology dating to 1987 and earlier.
> The year 1987 has been chosen as the moment when clipless pedals and concea
> led control cables became the norm in cycle road racing. However, in order
> to restrict the entry criteria still further and preserve the spirit of the
> event, clipless pedals and concealed cables will not be allowed even on cy
> cles built prior to 1987. Furthermore, gear shift levers must be on the dow
> n tube, although non-indexed bar-end levers of suitably vintage design will
> be allowed.
> The event offers four distances - the full-on 200km Eroica, the 135km mediu
> m, short and 'cyclotourist' routes - with the long ride including 110km of
> /strade bianche/, the famous loose-surfaced white roads of Tuscany.